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Testing GameAnalytics v2 for Corona SDK

I've been trying out the new GameAnalytics v2 plugin for Corona SDK recently. It has some nice new features, especially the progression events which simplifies tracking your players' progression through the game. After the initial setup of the plugin, which is really simple (unless you make stupid typos...), you can fire progression events like in this example:

gameanalytics.addProgressionEvent {
    progressionStatus = "Complete",
    progression01 = "world01",
    progression02 = "level01",
    progression03 = "phase01",
    score = 100

For Android I got my events flowing pretty quickly, but when testing on an iOS device, no progression events at all showed up in my GA dashboard. Searching through the log file from my device I found the following error message:

Nov 8 14:27:36 iPhone Ice Trap[1869] <Notice>: Info/GA/Analytics: Validation fail - progression event - progression02: Cannot be empty or above 64 characters. String:

Ok, that makes sense since I had only used the progression01 property in my events, and it started working as soon as I populated progression02 with some data.

However, it worked on Android without progresson02, and GameAnalytics' documentation clearly states that progression02 and progression03 are optional:

I guess this is just a bug that will be flattened out, but it doesn't really matter that much to me at the moment since I can made good use of all three different progression properties anyway. I'm using progression01 for game mode, progression02 for chapter number, and progression03 for level number.

One worry that I do have with using GA for Corona SDK is that it apparently doesn't go together with the Admob plugin. That might actually be a showstopper, since I was planning on using Admob as well to deliver ads in Ice Trap. Hopefully Corona will fix this issue before the Ice Trap release date is closing in, or else I'll have to check out the Flurry and Google Analytics plugins to track player behavior.

For now, I'll just stick with GA. It's gonna be interesting to have a better look at the dashboard in a couple of days when I've gathered enough events to actually display some statistics that make any sense. After that I might follow up on this post with some more opinions on the plugin.
