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Making an iOS gameplay preview video

Creating an App Store gameplay preview video for your new, cool iOS game might feel like a daunting task at first. But actually it isn't that difficult once you get started thanks to a couple of free, and really powerful tools, provided by Apple.

I'm a beginner myself at making videos, but following the workflow described below I managed to put together a gameplay video in just a few hours that I'm quite satisfied with. Let's get started.

What you  need :
  • iOS device
  • Mac with OS X
  • QuickTime Player (free)
  • iMovie (free)
The workflow:
  1. Write a short script. Just a very brief overview of the intended video, divided into a few main sections and how long to spend in each section. Keep it short, remember the 30s limit. Try to focus on what's unique for your game. After watching the trailer, a player who has never seen the game before should hopefully have at least a decent understanding of what the game is all about.

    Also, try to avoid explanatory texts if possible. Instead choose your gameplay clips carefully to explain how the game works. Texts take up time and space while at the same time distracting the user from the actual gameplay. Also, since the app preview can't be localized the texts won't make any sense at all to players who don't understand English (assuming that's your language of choice). This is what my script looked like:

    - Explain the basic gameplay in a couple of straightforward gameplay sequences. Footage from some of the first, simple levels. ~10 seconds.

    - Very short fail/death sequences. Show different ways to fail. Zoom in on particular areas to not disclose the full levels and to make it easier for the user to focus. Pick levels from different chapters. ~8 seconds.

    - Very short sequences showing puzzles being solved. Zoom in on the important parts. The music should probably change here, to provide a sense of change and relief after the previous fail sequences.  ~8 seconds.

    - Wrap everything up in a short success/completion sequence. ~4 seconds.

  2. Make code adjustments and create a specific "gameplay recording build" of your game if necessary. For example delay some prompts, disable specific animations, disable some sound effects, and definitely turn off the music since you'll be overlaying it in iMovie instead. Basically anything that can make the video quality better, and give you an easier job to record and edit.

  3. Create an iMovie project. Make sure to select the option "New app preview" instead of just "New video". This is important because it will automatically select the correct video resolution based on your device recordings, also handling portrait mode without any problems. Note! You probably have to go through the File menu to be able to do this. Clicking the big + button to create a new project did not present me with the possibility to select App Preview as project type.

  4. Record gameplay videos using your iOS device and QuickTime on OS X. Remember: Sound effects only, no music. Just connect your device and fire up QuickTime Player. Then select File->New movie recording and you should see your device's display mirrored onto your Mac. This doesn't always work for me, so sometimes it's necessary to tap the small arrow next to the record button in QuickTime and select your iOS device for both camera and microphone.

  5. Lay out your gameplay recordings in iMovie, following your script. This will most likely be far more than just 30s on your first attempt.

  6. Overlay a background music track in iMovie. I just go for my normal gameplay music here, trying to align it with the gameplay clips in an optimal way. For this particular video, it meant starting the music somewhere in the middle of the track to get a good intensity right from the start and reach a different part of the song towards the end of the video.

  7. Trim, crop, zoom, add transitions, add sound effects, edit music, etcetera. Try to get under 30s. Just make sure you don't go all in on visual effects like zooming and panning throughout your video since that will most likely get it rejected. Apple's guidelines for creating an App Store preview video states that:

    "We recommend capturing the native resolution of the UI; avoid zooming in on the view. Ensure the transitions between scenes don't imply functionality that your app doesn't have. Use straightforward transitions like dissolves and fades."

    However, I figure there has to be some room for artistic freedom and that you're allowed to use some effects as long as they help to display your game's functionality. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what Apple says about the zoom/crop effects in my own video and be prepared to simply remove them if they're not accepted.  

  8. Repeat step 4-7 until happy with the results.

And this is my final result: v0.1 of my App Store preview video for Ice Trap. I'd be happy if you'd like to leave me a comment to let me know what you think about it. :-)
